A gentle ram head with finely wrought horns, with four delicate wave motifs on his tail.
ram head ring
Width of ram's head from horn tip to other horn tip: 2cmmore about rams
The ram represents authority and nobility, virility and fertility, power and leadership. Zeus and Hermes are associated with the ram in Greek mythology, Cernunnos in the Celtic, Amun Ra in the Egyptian, Thor in the Scandinavian.
Alexander the Great after his death is depicted on coinage with ram's horns, as he thought himself the son of Zeus Amun. The horns represented and confirmed his deification.
about this collection of jewellery
It has been a privilege to work with the Vaphiadis family since 2007. They are one of the best manufacturers of sterling silver jewellery in Greece.
The collection is inspired by ancient Greek silver and gold coins, the art and jewellery of the Minoan civilisation, familiar symbolic motifs and images, and the animals that played a significant part in ancient Greek culture.